Sunday 16 August 2020

Cat Rescue - Bob

 How many times in life can a cat be abandoned and left on the streets? Well in Bob’s case we know it is at least twice.


We believe he started life as a pet, however when his owners left the compound Bob was put outside and left to fend for himself. He then befriended some people who had moved into the compound and lived with them; he had his own bed inside and food in his belly. Then they left the compound and poor old Bob ended up back on the streets yet again!

He then turned up on my doorstep because he was hungry and needed a friend; unfortunately I already have two cats (one who isn’t friendly with other cats) so he couldn’t come inside but providing some food for him was the least I could do. But Bob needs and deserves a home of his own, he sits looking in through our patio doors crying to come in – it is just heart-breaking. If I sit outside he comes and curls up on my lap!


Unfortunately Bob has tested positive for FIV, so he urgently needs a loving indoor home where he is the only cat (he doesn’t share well). FIV cats can live long happy lives but do need to be in a protective indoor environment – not in a garden with the extreme 50 degree heat in Qatar in the summer.

I just wish someone could finally give Bob his happy ending, he can’t stay on the streets. In Qatar it is so difficult to find good forever homes for rescues, even the rescue centres abroad that I have contacted have been reluctant because of the FIV; it makes cats harder to home, they then have to spend longer in the shelter which obviously translates to costing more. The timing isn't great either because of COVID, when the centres are struggling because of lack of funds.

He isn’t the most handsome, he has a swirly broken looking tail and a very low meow as if he has a sore throat but he is the most loving sweet guy around. He is only about 2 years old, he loves to chase a ping pong ball around the garden.

We don't know how much longer we will be in Qatar but we are not going to add ourselves to the list of people who gave up on him and drove away. Therefore we have started the RATT process (rabies antibody titration test), which would then allow him into the UK without quarantine but this process sadly takes time, at least 4 months. In the meantime I have been introduced to a new contact and we are looking at the possibility of him going to America, which is a much quicker process. I have everything crossed that this might work out and I will be writing a happy update soon. I just hope that someone will finally give him the home he deserves, he just wants a chance.

UPDATE - We sent Bob to America and he found a forever home. He so deserved this happy ending! Enjoy your new life Bob, the bravest cat I have ever met. 


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